AL-KO Brake Drum 230x60 581 329 / 1 302 756
AL-KO brake drum 230x60
- Casting numbers:
- 581329 / 581.329 / 581 329
- 1302756 / 1.302.756 / 1 302 756
- Wheel brake types: 2361
- Bearings: 1224805 / 1.224.805 / 1 224 805
- ETI Numbers:
- 811003 / 811.003 / 811 003
- 811136 / 811.136 / 811 136
More Information
Delivery time when out of stock | Delivery time 1 - 5 days |
Manufacturer | ALKO |
Bearing type | Compact bearing |
Brake drum inside diameter | 230mm |
Brake shoe width | 60mm |
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